Array 2 Dimensional much in use to create a matrix or table data, while the one-dimensional Array in use to make the results or data that berkoordinat X only. In this post two-dimensional array in use to accommodate the values ​​of a component of mathematical equations. While one-dimensional Array used to hold the result or the value of the equation.

    # Include
    # Include

    using namespace std;

    class xyz {/ / declaring class xyz
      public: / /deklaration function xyz, enter, process and exit
         xyz ();
         void enter ();
         void process ();
         void exit ();
      private: / / declaring variables a, b and x, y, z
         float a [3] [3];
         float b [3];
         float x, y, z;

    xyz:: xyz () {/ / pendeskripsian function xyz
       court <
       court <<"Looking for Value x, y, z from Equation 3 \ n \ n";

    void xyz:: get () {/ / entry function pendeskripsian
       for (int i = 0; i <3; i + +) {
       court <<"Equal to" <<<":"<< endl;
       court <<"component x:";
       cin>> a [i] [0]; / / insert the value x of an equation
        court <<"y components:";
        cin>> a [i] [1]; / / insert the value y of an equation
        court <<"z components:";
        cin>> a [i] [2]; / / insert the value z of an equation
        court <<"result:";
        cin>> b [i]; / / insert the equation from an equation
        court <
         / / Display the equation
       court <<"\ nPersamaaan:" <
       for (int i = 0; i <3; i + +) {
       court <<<"x +" <<<"y +" <<<"z =" <<

    void xyz:: process () {/ / declaring the function of the process
       for (int i = 1; i> 0; i -) {/ / loop starts from i = 1 until i> 0
         for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j + +) {
           a [i] [j] = a [i] [j] - a [i-1] [j]; / / scoring a

       for (int i = 2; i> 1; i -) {/ / loop starts from i = 2 to i> 1
         for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j + +) {
           a [i] [j] = a [i] [j] - a [i-2] [j];

       for (int i = 2; i> 1; i -) {/ / loop starts from i = 2 to i> 1
         for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j + +) {
           a [i] [j] = a [i] [j] - (2 * a [i-1] [j]);

       b [1] = b [1] - b [0]; / / assignment b
       b [2] = b [2] - b [0];
       b [2] = b [2] - (2 * b [1]);
       z = b [2] / a [2] [2]; / / assignment to the variable z
       y = b [1] - (a [1] [2] * z); / / assignment to the variable y
       x = b [0] - (a [0] [1] * y) - (a [0] [2] * z); / / assignment to the variables x

    void xyz:: exit () {/ / exit function pendeskripsian
       court <
       court <<"The value of x =" <<
       court <<"The value y =" <<
       court <<"The value of z =" <<
       court <<

    int main (int argc, char * argv [])
      xyz a;
      a.masuk ();
      a.proses ();
      a.keluar ();

    system ("PAUSE");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


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