Program encrypt and Description C++

Encryption is a process that changes a code which can be understood to be a code that can not be understood (illegible). Encryption can be interpreted as a code or cipher. A cipher using an algorithm that can encode all data streams (stream) bits of a message into an incomprehensible cryptogram (unintelligible). Because cipher technique is a system that has been prepared for the automation, then the technique used in computer and network security systems.

While the description is a process to return the results of a cipher to the code beginning or the beginning of the data entered.

• Encryption
   Print encryption algorithm
     plain, cipher: string
     key, i: Integer

      read (key, plain)
      for i = 0 to strlen (plain) do
             ciphers [i] <= (plain [i] + key) mod 128;
             end for
      write (cipher)

• Description
    Print a description of the algorithm
      ciphers, text: string
      key, i: Integer

      read (key, cipher)
      for i = 0 to strlen (cipher) do
             text [i] <= (cipher [i] - key) mod 128;
             end for
     write (text)
Program And Description In C + +.

    # Include
    # Include

    using namespace std;
    cryptography class {
        friend istream & operator>> (istream &, cryptography &);
        friend ostream & operator <<(ostream &, cryptography &);
          cryptography ();
          void encryption ();
          void description ();
          char plain [100], cipher [100], text [26];
          int key;
    cryptography:: cryptography () {
                 court <<"Program encrypt and Description C++ \ n \ n";
         court <
    istream & operator>> (istream & ins, cryptography & mlebu) {
         court <<"Enter key:";
         in>> mlebu.key;
         court <<"Enter character:";
         in>> mlebu.plain;
         return in;
    void cryptography: encryption () {
      for (int i = 0; i
         ciphers [i] = (plain [i] + key)% 128;}
         court <<
    void cryptography:: description () {
       for (int i = 0; i
         text [i] = (cipher [i]-key)% 128;}
    ostream & operator <<(ostream & out, cryptography & metu) {
        out <<"the result of encryption:";
        for (int i = 0; i
           out <
           out <
           out <<"the description:";
           for (int j = 0; j
              court <
          out <<
          return out;
    int main (int argc, char * argv [])
      cryptography x;
      cin>> x;
      x.enkripsi ();
      x.deskripsi ();
      court <
      system ("PAUSE");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;


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